Gwaii provided civil and environmental engineering services for this BC Housing project. The “Our House of Clans” project is a six-story residential/commercial building atop a concrete parade. The finished building will provide 34 dwelling units for Nation members as well as a community kitchen and ground floor commercial space.
Indigenous capacity-building efforts included engaging Indigenous subcontractors, employing a field technician selected from the community to work with both the civil engineer and the civil contractor, and providing training and job shadowing to interested community members.
Gwaii’s scope included:
- Prepare Onsite Roadworks and Parking Plans: plan, profile and cross section of access road, tie into existing roadway.
- Prepare Offsite Works Plan.
- Prepare Onsite Site Servicing Plans including fire hydrants and water meters as required – tie into existing SCRD services, coordinate underground electrical, cable & phone servicing with electrical engineer.
- Prepare Subgrade and Final Grading Plans: coordinate with geotechnical engineer as required.
- Prepare Stormwater Management Plan: coordinate with mechanical engineer.
- Prepare Sediment & Erosion Control Plan.